Hard is a mechanical Device. which is also called as secondary storage of computer. which is mainly used for storing data of digital data using magnetic storage of one or more rigid and rapidly rotating pattern coated with magnetic material. Did you know that size of first hard disk is only 5MB RAMAC 305 produced by IBM in 1956 which has huge amount at that time.
1) HDD 2) SSD
1) HDD
HDD full form is Hard Disk Drive which has magnetic revolving tape is used to read disk data. There pattern spin of Reading speed is 4200 rpm to 7200 rpm of consumer computers. Those speed is corelated to read/write rates. The higher the present speed the faster the hard drive will be read and write data. And HDD is much heavier and use much energy than SSD. but HDD has a greater amount of storage upto 10 TB. and it is easy Available in market. It is also less Expensive than SDD.
2) SSD
SSD full form is Solid State Drive. It has a superior performance and durability. magnetic heads, spindles and spinning patterns without moving parts SSD are run cooler and use less energy. basically it use flask memory to read and write data and it is less heavier than HDD. it is mainly used for to store operating system because it helps OS to load fast and run smoother. But SSD has less storage than HDD. It's maximum data is Upto 4TB. SSD uses the latest technology which is why it is much more expensive than HDD.
"According to me SSD is much better choice because it helps you to run fast and smoother best it run faster and better. but if already have SSD want greater storage disk at less price than HDD is better Option for you"
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